Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Where Do You Hunt For Dolls? Or "You Can't Get There From Here."

These dolls are all for sale at the Bellevue Antique Mall in the Bellevue area of Nashville, TN. Stop by and check them out! If you tell Jeanie the owner you heard about the Bellevue Antique Mall from our blog you get a 15% discount on any doll you see here over $20.00.
They need new homes. They need adoptive parents!
There are Madame Alexanders, Shirley Temples, composition dolls,  antique bisque dolls, modern doll, and lots more.
If you are looking fir something special, leave your wish list with Jeanie.

 Bellevue Antique Mall
160 Belle Forest Circle
Nashville, TN 37221-2104
(615) 646-5828

We are always on the hunt for great dolls to add to our collections.
A while back we hopped in my truck and headed out into the country to see a doll collection for sale. We were using Mrs. M's GPS and were having a merry old time listening to "her" bossy and saucy directions.
That is until we passed a sign that said we were entering a county that was (as they say in Tennessee speak) a fur piece from where we were suppose to be at this point on our journey.
We were so far out in the boondocks that we got the GPS confused! :o)
After a few crazy turns the poor GPS "lady" was saying
Turn here!
Then promptly yelling (can a GPS yell you ask?)
Make a u turn!
Turn here!
Make a u turn!
Thankfully we finally ran (more Tennessee speak) smack dab into a little country store. It was one of those all purpose stores where you can get home made biscuits and gravy, buy farm made country sausage and fresh butter, rent the latest movies, and purchase nic knacks for your bathroom.
The cashier pulled out a map. A couple of customers tried to help, and finally the woman yelled for her teenage son. Gotta love a teenager with a straight talking GPS on his cell phone!
He came outside and figured out where we needed to turn to make it across the county to where the dolls were hopefully patiently waiting.
We bought a cold Diet Coke and headed out once again.
Mrs. M has a great sense of humor and we got a good laugh out of our country drive and her angry GPS, who was clearly fed up with us at this point.
Amazingly enough we were finally going in the right direction. We wound through beautiful farmland, passing cows and horses, and finally found the road by the old barn we were suppose to take.
Right when we pulled up in front of the old farmhouse the dark clouds opened and the rain came pouring down. Perhaps a thunder storm called down by that angry "GPS lady"? NAH! Right? Right?
We had a fun time digging through boxes and piles of dolls. Just as we started to load up the truck the rain stopped.
Gotta love a crazy doll adventure!
Shhhhh! Just don't tell Mrs. M's daughters. They though she was sitting warm and safe at home that day, reading her doll magazines.

Keep checking back. We will be posting more dolls for sale at the Bellevue Antique Mall!
Please share your favorite doll places and stories..
Much Love
Mama Duff and Mrs. M


  1. Cute story! Sounds like you had fun!

  2. Thank you so very much Cherry Red! Mrs. M and I had a grand old time getting lost and back.
    I love your blog!
